
This event occurred on Saturday, September 24, 2022.


Crossfit Lorton
7406D Lockport Place
Lorton, VA 22079

Event Directors

Hannah Hawkins and Peggy Binzer

Results and Records

Results of the NVSO 2022 weight lifting event.


Photographs from the NVSO 2022 weight lifting event.


Competition is open to Men and Women in 5-year age groups (50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99, 100+). Weight Divisions begin at 125 lbs. in 10 lb. increments. This event will be governed by the rules of CrossFit Weight Lifting.

A) The Lifts

     1. Dead Lift (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZXobu7JvvE)

     2. Press (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yWaNOvgFCM)

     3. Back Squat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ultWZbUMPL8)

B) Equipment

1) Bars, weights and rig stations will be provided by CrossFit Lorton.

2) Weight is in pounds (lbs.).

3) Participants are responsible for wearing appropriate sports clothes. Lifting shoes are permitted for back squat, but are not required. Knee pads, weight belts, wrist wraps are permitted, but not required.

4) Participants must provide their own chalk.

5) Lifting straps are not permitted.

C) Meet Officials

     1) The Judging panel will consist of 5 judges and a referee. The referee may also be a judge if 5 other judges are not available.

     2) There will be at least 2 table workers and 1 announcer.

D) General Rules

1) Participants must successfully complete each lift in front of a judge for the lift weight to qualify.

2) Competitors can start at any time after they have notified the Event Director. 

E) Categories

1) The amount of weight to be attempted by the athlete for each lift is solely determined by the participant.

2) The weight lifting will be held by divisions (women and men) with each age category beginning with the youngest age group. Age groups may be combined depending upon number of participants. The Event Director reserves the right, when necessary, to reorganize the competition.

3) The participants will have 45 minutes to warm up and complete the three lifts.

F) Facility

     1) The facility shall have adequate rig stations.

     2) The Event Host will accommodate and provide a PA system, tables and chairs for a scoring table and chairs for the judges and referee.

G) Declaring Winners

Winners will be declared according to highest total weight of the three lifts in each age/weight class.