Northern Virginia Senior Olympics (NVSO) is a nonprofit charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our only sources of financial support are from Participants' fees/donations and from Patrons. 100% of all contributions are used for promoting, coordinating and implementing the NVSO. Our Tax ID Number is 42-1548432.
Thank you 2024 NVSO Patrons!
Gold Patrons - $1,000+ donation
Silver Patron - $500 to $999 donation
Bronze Patrons - $100 to $499 donation
Carrie Berlin
Ann Chaney
Jitender Datta
Doug Hastings
Susan & Morris Klein - in honor of Herb Levitan
Suzanne Knight
Judy Massabny
Karl Mueller
Michael Nugent
Hyung Park
Lydia Patrick
Cori Ucello
Mandy Whalen