NVSO is an all-volunteer organization which works year-round. Select the volunteer position title to see the full job description.
Management positions:
Event assistance positions:
The Event Director of the activity where you will be volunteering will ask you for the t-shirt size you would like.
- 3 Mile Power Walk
- 5K Trail Race - revised
- Basketball Field Goals and Free Throws
- Field Events (Running Long Jump, Discus, Shot Put, Mini-Javelin Throw, High Jump)
- Frisbee and Football Throws (Two separate events held on the same day, same time and same location)
- Horseshoes
- Pickleball (age group 60+)
- Rowing (Ergonomic)
- Softball Hit and Throw (Two separate events held on the same day, same time and same location.)
- Swimming
- Track (Various distance runs, walks and a dash.)
Thank you for volunteering! NVSO participants would not enjoy their experience as much without your support and encouragement.