Man playing table tennis.
Photo by George Bradshaw


Saturday, September 28, 2024:

  • Singles at 9:00am
  • Doubles at 2:00pm
  • Mixed Doubles at 3:00pm


Jim Scott (formerly Providence) Community Center
3001 Vaden Drive
Fairfax, VA 22031

Need a Partner?

For either doubles or mixed doubles or both, see our Find a Partner page with an online form.

Event Director

Kevin Ku
Contact Kevin by email.


See our volunteers page for details.

Results and Records


Photographs of the NVSO 2023 table tennis events taken by Kevin Ku, George Bradshaw and Fred Siskind.


General Rules
Please go here for rules covering all NVSO events.

Table Tennis
For the NVSO's rules regarding Table Tennis, go to the Index of the General Rules to find the specific page referenced.